I just watched the movie ‘Aay’ in the theatre. Although this movie was released on Friday, I got the chance today, as it’s the weekend.
I extremely liked the trailer.
Generally, any person who is working is always a bit stressed throughout his day due to work pressure and carries the burden of the work with the entire week.

Generally, people staying in a village are lucky and less disturbed by noise, and work pressure and live happily in a good environment, food and peer group as one family.

But in the city, it’s different. so, normally in the city, the only best relaxation for any human being is to either sleep or watch a movie.
After the introduction of new age OTTs, generally bigger audience is not willing to go to the theatres to watch a movie after buying a ticket, as he or she can watch the same movie a few days or weeks later on his TV/Phone/Computer with the same amount of money throughout the year or for the whole quarter.
But watching the movies in the theatre is a whole new level of experience. We watch movies to relax for at least two to three hours without any disturbance and want to engage with the story.
But nowadays many movies are coming in the name of big budget and bhari setups just to collect big in the box office, but for me, entertainment should relax and spread happiness and smile among the people rather than making them more stressed or angry or uncomfortable.
I have seen the actor Narne Nithin in this movie ‘Aay‘ in another movie named ‘MAD‘. I thoroughly enjoyed that movie that day. You can also watch that movie if you haven’t watched it yet. I think ‘MAD’ the movie is available on ‘Netflix’ Such as great story and a fun ride in a college environment.
But this one ‘Aay‘ movie is also the same journey with a little twist in the beautiful villages of Godavari districts.

Beautiful locations, a beautiful cast, a beautiful story, good direction, acting and relaxation are enough to watch this movie.

There’s less or no violence if we say so compared with others. No r@pe scenes, no disturbing scenes. And more big reveal through this blog is that it tries to remove the gaps in the society in the names of caste and creed. And focuses on Friendship, Love and relationships bigger than anything else.

A good story, and delightful, funny incidents throughout the movie will make your stress lighter and relaxed.
Book your tickets now
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