Before telling you if the Hotel Management course is good for you or not, let me introduce myself, and why I could be the right fit person to tell you about Hotel Management.
Let me introduce myself
Hi, My name is Kailash Chandra, I completed my graduation in Bachelor of Hotel Management in 2017 from Acharya Nagarjuna University.
I joined this course with very much enthusiasm after seeing the college’s big advertisements on big billboards on the roadside (because those days the digital penetration was much less, and even I was using the keypad feature phone for my daily communication usage) in 2014, the fancy dress the students wear, the fancy hotels, the colourful life, everything attracted me to join this course.
Although my hotel management course was half government-sponsored, so for me the course fee was not that expensive. I was getting a lot of reimbursements for around 60 to 70% through the scholarship by the state government led by the new chief minister of the newly formed state of Andhra Pradesh, Mr Nara Chandrababu Naidu.
Okay, but Shall I join this course or not?
So here’s the thing. Whether Hotel Management is a good career option or not totally depends upon you. It’s 90% a No, and 10% Yes. Let me explain to you in detail.
See, When I joined this course after seeing a big dream of getting placements in big star hotels, foreign careers were just a dream only, After passing out of the course we came to know about the dark reality of it.
Some important things to consider before joining this course
If you are joining this course, your family background, wealth all these matters for your foreign settlements and ViSA processing. Why foreign settlement? Because in India the payscale or placements are worse and the behaviour towards the hotel employees by the Indians is pathetic and cruel in some manner.
The college where you study the Hotel Management course also plays a vital role in getting a placement or even getting an On Job Training for even at least a 6 months to 1 year.
When you study in a big college like IHM, IIHM or big B Schools you get campus placement opportunities for big star category hotels and resorts… But the smaller colleges even are not able to give you a better training opportunity in a decent hotel or resort for your overall development.
What are the prerequisites to join the Hotel Management course?
To join a degree or graduation course in Hotel Management, you must have completed the Intermediate or +2 in a stream of your choice.
And ask yourself, if you are a person who is mentally prepared to risk more for bigger returns and big settlements, then it’s not for you. But if you are a person with a mentality of higher stability, less effort, or prefer to work instead of starting some of your own ventures or business of its own? Then it can suit you.
This is the most important thing.
Some people are not made for jobs at all. They get this realization after getting into some kind of job only. If you are trying for a Government job that is worse as you are a public servant after all, but if you are joining a job in the Hotel management sector then that is a lot worse than a government job. Why?
Because you are just an asset, free and cheap labour for that building called the hotel, They will suck your soul out of your body and make you work for 14-16 hours every day with providing food and a small amount of salary for your extremely hard work and dedication for their growth. Some even don’t provide accommodation for your stay for them.
Even though you are crying from inside due to pain and insult from the guests or rude behaviour from your superiors you have to maintain a plastic smile on your face 24/7. Isn’t it cruelty and inhuman?
There you’ve to clean the toilets, if you will work in housekeeping after studying in suits and ties, and paying lakhs of rupees in fees. In the Kitchen, your daily work will be to come, cook, taste, eat, and go to sleep. A robotic monotonous task every single day. If you work in the food and beverage service department also known as stewardship or waiter profession. That’s the nightmare. The rich fat asshole guests will treat you like their personal slaves and will try to make you happy after giving you a penny in form of the tips.
The only department in the whole hotel that will be a little decent is the Front Desk also known as Front Office. A decent cloth, computer, English-speaking faces, air-conditioned lobbies, sofas, and luxury everywhere. All looks good. But speaking every nuisance creating guest on the telephone to fulfil their unrealistic desires is frustrating sometimes.
What subjects will be taught in the course?
Through the whole course of 3 years, your primary subjects will be Front Office, Housekeeping, Food & Beverage Production and Food and Beverage Service. Apart from that, you’ll also be taught marketing, human resources, basic computers, accounting, management, food and nutrition, organizational behaviour etc.
Some of my personal experiences in my Hotel Management career…
After completing my intermediate or 10+2 in Commerce from Andhra Pradesh Board, I joined this Hotel Management degree course with a lot of enthusiasm. The classrooms go with a lot of fun and vibrancy, as the topics are easy to understand and you create a sense of brotherhood among your classmates.
After 2 years of your degree programme, you’re supposed to join the Industrial Training in a reputed Hotel or Resort for two to four months of training depending upon the requirement of the course or the resort.
That’s the worst and hardest part of the course. In that duration, the hotel will rip you apart and will make you work for more than 15 hours a day. Even some hotels will not provide accommodation for the whole training period. And even don’t even pay you at all or less for this. I was getting Rs.700 per month for my Industrial Training period of four months in Goa. I have done my training in Goa, Hyderabad. But I can’t reveal the names of the hotels or resorts for privacy concerns. But this is similar in every hotel or resort.
In those 4 months period you’ll be made to work in all the 4 major departments in the hotel. They will just provide you meals three times a day sufficient to thrive only.
After a lot of humiliation from a big resort on my first day of training in Hyderabad, I had to cancel my training and leave Hyderabad it was the first and biggest failure in my life and I faced a lot of humiliation from my family members, which was painful for throughout the whole second year. I completed my second year in a resort in Goa with a lot of hard work and patience.
This experience makes you more patient, and down to earth. That’s it. Not more than that. Apart from this everything is worse.
While doing this course, I was also doing many part-time jobs for my daily needs in various different restaurants and hotels for work exposure in my local city.
You’ll also have to do many ODC (Out Door Catering) services for more work exposure in many fairs, hotels and resorts on Sundays or Holidays to make you know more about the work.
After Story of Hotel Management
The job is the ultimate thing that you start looking for after passing out in graduation and completing all the tough trainings and ODCs etc. But then you face the hard reality and shocking thing about the hotel industry.
They don’t hire graduates from small colleges! Yes. I struggled and travelled a lot for placement after my graduation in 2017.
After a lot of calls and interviews, I finally got an opportunity for my On Job Training (OJT) in a four-star hotel under a well-established hotel chain.

I got placed as an On Job Trainee for six months in the continental department in the kitchen, as my specialization in the Food and Beverage Production department.
This is meant to be a 6-month duration, but I left it after completing my 5 months. Because I came to realize that I’m not made for this job. Or job overall.
Now after a long Covid break, I’m working as a full-time freelance graphic designer and digital marketer. And living the life I want.
Hotel Management is not for someone who can create his own path, who wants to take risks, who wants to try new things every day, and who gets bored by doing the same tasks every day.
Even after leaving the hotel work, for my long survival and choosing a new field, I had to work in the service in the local restaurants and other IT companies in my city for daily survival while I was finding my own thing.
I’ve also worked in many IT companies as a data processing executive.
If you are like me who wants freedom and a life of his own. Then the Hotel Management field is not made for you at all.
You can’t become your own boss. You’ve to live the life of a servant throughout your life.
Frequently Asked Questions..
What is Hotel Management?
Hotel management is the administration and operation of hotels, resorts, and other lodging establishments.
What is a Hotel Management Course?
A hotel management course is an educational program designed to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and practical experience required to manage and operate hotels, resorts, and other hospitality-related businesses. Generally, you can have shorter duration Diplomas or 3 years or more degree courses for hotel/hospitality-related jobs.
Which are the best colleges for Hotel Management?
If you are from India, then IIHM, IHM or big B Schools ar best for Hotel Management courses, as they provide campus placements from big-star category hotels and resorts.
What are the fees for a Hotel Management Course?
There are mainly three types of course levels. Diploma, Degree & Masters Degree. These are not exact prices but for a Diploma, you can do somewhere around 10000 or less in a government college, but for the degree, it can cost 50000 per year. for a private institute, it can cost more than lakhs per year or for per semester. For a master’s degree, you can do it for similar prices to the above degree courses.
Is India a good country for good earnings in the hotel industry?
NO! shockingly that’s the fact. if you want to have a good career. Try to go abroad and choose some of the developed countries like the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada etc for better earnings, quality of life and better work-life balance.
Can I apply for government jobs after a hotel management degree?
Yes, You can! This is also like the other degrees like, B.A, and B.Sc, which are mandatory to apply for any government job. You must remember that diploma certificates may not be considered for government jobs, but valid degree certificates from recognised universities can get you proper government jobs.
Can I do a master’s in Hotel Management after this?
Yes, you can. Generally, a bachelor’s degree may be required for your admission to a master’s. There are very limited colleges and universities available in India, that provide this master hotel management course. and these are more expensive. But to get a job in the hotel industry, Master’s in Hotel management is not required or necessary.
Are there any government jobs in Hotel Management?
Yes, you can work in government services like IRCTC(Indian Railways Catering and tourism corporation) or similar kinds of departments. Even state and local tourism departments do release vacancies for these categories, But remember that there’s heavy competition for government jobs. and I’ve seen personally about corruption in giving admission to such government postings. So be aware.
What kind of jobs I can get after doing hotel management?
Generally, you can work in a kitchen as a professional Chef, a guest relations executive, a steward, a front office executive, or a housekeeping executive. After working in those areas if you get promotions you can work as a manager/executive/HoD of a specific department or general manager of the property after significant years of experience and certifications.
Are there any entrance exams to work in the hotel industry?
NO, I don’t remember any specific entrance exams to get admission into it. It may be in the case of IHM, please do a thorough personal research. But for the majority of private colleges and B Schools, there’s no entrance exam required.
What’s the duration of a hotel management course?
It can vary depending on the course. Generally, the diploma courses can start anywhere from two to three months to a maximum of 1 year to two years. But the degree courses can be for three to four years duration. And master’s course could be a year-long course after completing your graduation course.
Can I get a job in a big-star hotel after a small diploma in hotel management?
in most of the cases, it’s Yes. But it depends, on which department you are choosing to practice. if you are choosing the front office then maybe a degree will be asked. And maybe for kitchen or housekeeping diploma could be sufficient. It all depends upon the internal rule book of that particular resort or hotel. But in small hotels and resorts, you can easily get a job with a diploma certificate.
What is the scope or future of hotel management?
While India is growing rapidly economically, there’s a bigger scope and future of the Hospitality and tourism industry. But it all depends upon you. Whether you are right the fit mentally to do these types of jobs.
Can I get a job without a hotel management certificate in the hotel industry?
Yes, you can. but someone with a hotel management certificate will be preferred over you. He would be learn about communication, dressing sense, hygiene etc which are mandatory if you want to work in the hotel industry.
How can I become a hotel manager?
If you are dedicated towards that hotel, where you are working, you can take control of the property in the absence of the top leadership, you have enough amount of exposure and experience in all the departments then you can get a job of a general manager in the hotel.
What’s the salary range in the hotel industry?
Generally, it can start somewhere around 10k per month and go for 2 to 3 lakhs a month max if you are working in India. I don’t have any idea about abroad countries. But if you are a trainee, then I’m sorry but you will get a lot of humiliation and no salary.